Coffret Instant French ! (livre + 1CD) : Le livre de Steve Craig, Jean-Michel Ravier



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Instant French !
Par Steve Craig and Jean-Michel Ravier

How to become quickly acquainted with basic French

You want to communicate in French instantly, without having to go through a long learning process.
Your goal is to practice the language immediatly.
Instant French ! is your answer.
Later, you will be able to perfect your fluency with our method 40 lessons to speak French.

The book is in two parts :
> A : 20 lessons in which you are introduced to basic structures and pronunciation (with appropriate exercises) : I am, I would like, how much ?...
> B : words and sentences organized under general topics : greetings and introductory phrases, food, clothes, accomodation...

Parts A and B also present cultural and practical information.

Annexes :
- a short grammatical reminder
- a French-English, English-French glossary

This package contains 1 book and a CD (60 minutes ; with recorded English and French sentences)
The CD is not sold separately.

De (auteur) : Steve Craig, Jean-Michel Ravier


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Fiche technique du livre

  • Genres
    Sciences Humaines & Savoirs , Langues
  • EAN
  • Collection ou Série
    Langues Pour Tous
  • Format
  • Nombre de pages
  • Dimensions
    204 x 136 mm

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