Les aventures de Charlotte Holmes - tome 02 : Le dernier des : Le livre de Brittany Cavallaro
Les vacances de Noël de Jamie Watson ne s'annoncent pas de tout repos : invité dans le luxueux manoir des Holmes dans le Sussex, il se heurte à l'énigmatique comportement de Charlotte. Et quand l'oncle de celle-ci disparaît, le duo se doit de reprendre du service. Les arrière-petits-enfants des célèbres D. Watson et Sherlock Holmes s'envolent alors pour Berlin, sur les traces d'une mystérieuse filière des faussaires... Leur contact ? Auguste, le dernier descendant des Moriarty...
De (auteur) : Brittany Cavallaro
Traduit par : Isabelle Chapman
Expérience de lecture
Avis Babelio
• Il y a 2 mois
First of all, I really like this series. I like this young-adult version of Sherlock Holmes even though I haven't read all of them.I absolutly loved the first book, I couldn't stop reading, it's one of those rare times I devored a book so fast (plus, it was the very first book I read on my e-reader, so I guess it has a special place in my heart).Then I had this second book waiting in my TBR for a long time, but I didn't want to read it as fast as the first one, and also I wanted to read other books in-between.So I finally decided to read it and here's what I think (spoilers):- I wasn't as excited to read it as I was with the first one. I read it in a short amount of time but I could easily put it down.- I was a bit frustrated by Charlotte and Jamie's relationship. I wanted them to be together, or at least way more connected to each other to resolve the case. But they mostly tried to resolve it on their own.I totally understand that it's hard for Charlotte after what happened to her but I found her a bit rough with Jamie. And maybe Jamie put too much pressure on her as well.- Overall I liked the story and the mystery, but it was very confusing, many things happened and I can't even explain this ending.I literally did not understand a damn thing.I don't get it. What happened? Why? Who did what?? Plus the story ended in a huge cliffhanger. I was glad to see I'm not the only one who didn't get the end though!I will definitely read the third one, I can't wait!
Avis des membres
Fiche technique du livre
- Genres
- Ado & Young Adults , Romans adolescents 13+
- 9782266328333
- Collection ou Série
- Les aventures de Charlotte Holmes
- Format
- Poche
- Nombre de pages
- 360
- Dimensions
- 179 x 109 mm
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