A woman's world, a better world? : Le livre de Muriel de Saint-Sauveur



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What would our planet be like if women were in charge ? Would it be different ? What would be the fundamental changes to our lives ? These are the questions Muriel de Saint Sauveur poses to one hundred economically, politically and culturally prominent women, coming from thirty-three countries across five different continents.
Amongst them are the Chinese writer and photographer Xiao Hui Wang ; Assana Sangare-Ouattara, deputy of the National Assembly in the Ivory Coast ; the Egyptian businesswoman Loula Zaklama and also French women including Françoise Gri, president of Manpower France and Marie-Jo Zimmermann, president of the French National Assembly's delegation on women's rights and gender equality.
More involved, more ambitious and less egocentric, their priorities are different to those of men. Economy and strategy are not at the top of their lists, instead they view education as an essential objective towards social emancipation and living together in harmony. Their optimistic perception of the world envisions an organisation different to that of our society today.

De (auteur) : Muriel de Saint-Sauveur


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Fiche technique du livre

  • Genres
    Classiques et Littérature , Essais
  • EAN
  • Collection ou Série
    Essais et documents
  • Format
    Livre numérique
  • DRM
    Filigrame numérique


Muriel de Saint-Sauveur

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14,99 € Numérique 180 pages